Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Graceland Cemetery, Chicago - 11/14/10

Ok, were were supposed to visit Graceland Cemetery a couple of weeks ago on Halloween with our Meet Up group, but at the last minute cancelled because we had a ton of things going on and just couldn't fit it in. We have been meaning to go for quite a while, but just never got around to it so we promised ourselves that we'd go this last weekend.

Graceland Cemetery is a pretty big one out here and is very old and famous. Many Titans of industry are buried here in some of the biggest crypts and memorials I have ever seen - you can really feel the opulence. It really made me ask myself what the heck is the point of spending all that money when eventually only strangers ever really come around...if you are lucky.

Being mid November the weather was pretty crispy and windy. However, speaking for myself, I warmed up a bit once we started walking around. Anyway, here are the pictures I took...

These were a patch leaves growing on the wall outside the perimeter.

This is what it looked like in the patch that had already lost its leaves - we kind of had a late, dry fall here so leaves predominantly gone, or just getting around to turning, hence the yellow surrounded by nothing.

I liked this one for the ground level statue that seemed to me to be hailing someone...a taxi maybe?

I was intrigued that these were completely blank, clearly they'd been there quite sometime...or they didn't get a warranty from their headstone maker!

This is the memorial for a fireman that perished in a "large fire" (although not THE large fire) in 1927.

I wonder what this statue looked like when it was placed here. The ones from Roman times hung around a lot longer in better condition!!

A lot of people really into their columns and obelisks!

Another taxi hailer!

I was struck my the little tiny one next to the two bigger ones...makes you wonder what happened.

I dig the pyramid one in the background...I meant to get closer pictures of that one but it was cold and I needed to tinkle!

Not sure if there was really a dog in there of if the resident was just a fan!

The person on the right was largely responsible for the creation of what is now the secret service!!

This is one of my favorite shots of the day - I just like how the colors turned out.

The Mount Olympus style memorial there is of someone named Palmer who was pretty big time in this neck of the woods back in the day.

I think this one was one of my favorites because of the view and how awkward it is to get to the front!


Loved the flaming red bush!

Again, is it worth all the money spend to build this? Doubt it! Fry me and spread my ashes all over the globe - that is what I want!!!

I removed all the color except for the flower, some errant petals and leaves. I think it works.

Not really sure who would want to break in to there - it would be pretty darned creepy!!

If you look closely into the doors of this one you can see a stained glass pane illuminated.

This one looks ominous slightly up on the hill with the clouds and such!

This is probably the freakiest one in the place. I am not sure of the history, but it is apparently famous (probably because it is so creepy!)