Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lincoln Park Zoo & Conservatory

Well I hadn't really shot anything fun all month, mostly just stuff for work, so I was really Jones'ing to get out and shoot something I could maybe use for next year's calendar. We decided to drive into the city and check out the Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory. I also decided I was going to work with my longer lenses since I have the but don't use them often. Unfortunately I discovered why I don't use them that often. They really aren't that great in quality. I walked away with a few useable shots, but overall feel somewhat disappointed for two reasons a) that I didn't get more quality shots and b) that I wasted money on those lenses in the first place. Live and learn. I hope you like what I was able to get...

This is a White Faced Gibbon who appeared to be sucking its thumb! LOL

Yea, John's a primate favorite kind! LOL

This is the Silver Back Gorilla who didn't want anyone looking at his face because he kept his back turned the entire time...must be camera shy.

This is an Andean Sun Bear who looked like he was content to just chill on his log. Unfortunately this was about the bulk of what was out and about - I guess it is still too cold for most of the other animals. The other ones I did get weren't worth posting.

On to the Conservatory...and the ubiquitous orchids.

This is West Indian Holly. It looked really pretty with the water drops arranged on it.

Phalenopsis Orchids

I think these are Oncidium Orchids

Lady's Slipper

More Lady's Slippers...

I liked this one because it was really fuzzy!

This was a holly hock that was catching the light nicely from behind.

...yet more orchids...


Dew on Daffodils...nothing other than Forsythia screams spring like a Daffodil!

My favorite, Cymbidiums!

Okay, this was my favorite picture of the day. I love the purple against the soft bokeh of pink!

Red Rannunculas, another garden favorite.

Tiny orange Orchids

This is another favorite because I love Foxglove and can't wait to have a garden in which they will actually grow!