Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2009 Chicago Flwer Show

The weather outside was as rainy as I have ever seen it - coming down in thick sheets - what a perfect day to go indoors to Navy Pier and check out the outstanding 2009 Chicago Flower Show. I took a chance and switched the camera to manual mode and, despite lighting conditions that were difficult for my lack of experience, I think I did a fairly good job.

I have no idea what flower this is. That is sad because I used to have one in my garden before the fire when it was destroyed by the demolition. I do know that it is a perennial - a botanist I am not quit clearly! LOL

This is Stock - my all-time most favorite flower because the smell is positively intoxicating!!

The ubiquitous snapdragon - a summer favorite!

The wee bud of some unknown type of shrub.

A beautiful velvety red rose.

Pretty pink flowers - I can't recall that name.

Same with these. Although I think I would like to see them in my garden.

The center of a stargazer lily.

Okay, I know they aren't flowers, but they were pretty cool and I loved the way the water looked as it bubbled all around them.

Some type of dwarf iris. I don't think I did the color justice - they were UBER purple!

Gorgeous blue hydrangea - yes, they were really this color!

This is a Gerbera Daisy. I wish I could grow them, but they are really thirsty little fellas and we don't get enough rain and I am not really a waterer (despite being an Aquarius)!

Dendrobiums nicely lit.

Delphiniums, another one of my all time favorites, but not for the smell so much as the intensely blue color.

A very interesting zen path (though the stones might be hard on the feet - maybe the challenge is to walk between them grasshopper!)

Some kind of spiky thing that was interesting in texture.

Lavender-pink lilacs.

A zen garden with those dwarf iris, mulch and pine trees.

A lovely blue tipped hydrangea.

A garden dragon...doesn't EVERYBODY have one?

Daffodil in your grill.

Waterfall - I was experimenting with a longer exposure to get that ethereal look on the water, but clearly I need a little more practice (and possibly a tripod for steadiness).

This was the upright back of a bench comprised of thin twigs. I like this stuff in a garden, but I can't imagine it is overly comfortable if you want to lounge very long. Good for guests that you want to have leave quickly though! LOL

Orange roses and green cymbidiums.

Green roses and other interesting things.

This was a fountain squirting out of the top of a rock. I liked how the water looks somewhat like cellophane.

A giant bromeliad.

If my nose is correct, this is a flowering Viburnum. They too have a really pleasant smell. We have them growing under the living room windows and along the walkway. They will be nice if the "landscapers" stop butchering them every so often.

This is what I wish our patio looked like. We would need a serious dispensation from the association to go this far.

Yellow orchids and orange carnations.

Forget-Me-Nots - LOVE them! I soooo wish I had better focus in this pictures because the purple against the orange background looks really awesome.

This is a ceramic pot tipped over with the plants in and coming out of the ceramic pot - it looked really sweet!

Cheddar pinks - another fun flower!

A Buddha birdbath for the garden.

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